“The Dead Zone” is a unique psychological thriller that combines a rich mix of action, the paranormal and a continuing quest for justice. Based on characters from the best-selling Stephen King novel, Hall stars as Johnny Smith, a man injured in a near-fatal car crash, which leaves him in a six-year coma. When he awakens, he realizes he has startling psychic abilities that enable him to see into the past and future through visions triggered by touch.
Prepare to experience all-new spellbinding suspense and paranormal adventures as Johnny Smith (Anthony Michael Hall) faces the greatest challenges of his psychically-altered existence in this sixth and final season of The Dead Zone.
The sixth season of “The Dead Zone” premiered on the USA Network in the Summer 2007.
DVD Special Features:
“A New Home for The Dead Zone” featurette
"All Aboard: Filming The Dead Zone on a Train” featurette
Audio commentaries by cast and crew
So, if you would like to win one of these new DVD box-sets, and you think you know all about the characters from the hit TV show, then just answer this easy question: Which event led Alex Sinclair to discover her personal "dead zone"?!
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