Kevin Costner stars in the hilarious timely comedy Swing Vote as Bud Johnson, an Average Joe, who is coasting through life with the help of Molly, his wise-beyond-her-years daughter.
In a remarkable turn-of-events, the result of the presidential election comes down to his vote. Costner is joined by a brilliant all-star cast including Dennis Hopper, Kelsey Grammer, Nathan Lane, Stanley Tucci and George Lopez who will stop at nothing to win over the vote of the man who holds the fate of the free word.
If you would like to win your own copy of this delightful DVD, just answer this easy question: Kevin Costner actually had a role in the 1983 movie 'The Big Chill.' All of his scenes in flashbacks were cut from the final edit, but what part did he play for the cameras that we never got to see?!
Send me your answers and if you're correct you'll be in the running to win one of these new DVDs. Just send us an e:mail here before March 1st with your answer and the subject title CONTEST: SWING VOTE DVDs to:
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