Director Shinji Aramaki (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Halo Legends, Appleseed Saga: Ex Machina) unleashes an interstellar thrill ride with 'Harlock: Space Pirate' on Digital HD, On Demand and DVD from Ketchup Entertainment!
Based on the classic comic book and TV series, this live action family adventure stars David Matranga (Appleseed, Journey to Agatha), Emily Neves (Starship Troopers: Invasion, Journey to Agatha), and Rob Mungle (Blue Seed, Lady Death).
A mysterious space pirate of the future, Captain Harlock, is determined to return his death ship and loyal crew to a battered Earth, which has been declared off-limits by the intergalactic Gaia Coalition. The rogue captain comes up with an incredible plan to go back in time to rescue Earth, but that includes the destruction of everything, as it exists.
A young soldier of the Gaia Coalition volunteers to go undercover on the infamous skull ship and assassinate Harlock, but he soon discovers things are not as they seem. As dark secrets of the past are uncovered, the fate of the entire universe teeters on a very thin edge.
For your chance of winning a copy of 'HARLOCK: SPACE PIRATE' on DVD to enjoy with your friends, just simply answer the following question about the man/character himself, Captain Harlock: In which of his original TV series' do we first discover Harlock's beginnings as a space pirate and his acquisition of the spaceship Arcadia?!
Send us your answers and if you're correct you'll be in the running to win one of these new DVDs! Just send us an e:mail here before May 1st, 2015 with your answer and the subject title CONTEST: HARLOCK: SPACE PIRATE DVDs to: