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6 Degrees Entertainment

Win An Autographed Copy of 'The Jury Master' Novel

The most impressive thing about this gripping legal thriller is what it doesn't do. Robert Dugoni, a lawyer who coauthored a nonfiction book about an Idaho worker brain-damaged by cyanide fumes, opens his debut novel with a wrongful death attorney in San Francisco, David Sloane, about to make his closing remarks defending a corporation in a similar case.

Sloane, who has won 14 cases in a row, hates his arrogant client and must face an obviously hostile jury. But instead of devoting many chapters to the case, Dugoni quickly moves into some unexpected and very interesting territory: a recurring childhood nightmare Sloane shares with former CIA agent Charles Jenkins, apparently a complete stranger.

Meanwhile, unstoppable West Virginia police detective Tom Molia investigates the suicide of a top adviser to the president, and what he finds draws Sloane and Jenkins closer to the truth behind their shared terror: an international conspiracy 30 years in the making. All of Dugoni's characters have a fresh and believable edge, and there is plenty of action in far-flung settings. One looks forward to Sloane's return.

If you would like to win an autographed copy of this wonderful new book, just answer this easy question: As stated above, Robert Dugoni coauthored a nonfiction book about an Idaho worker brain-damaged by cyanide fumes. But in what year did this tragic event take place for the Idaho worker?

Send us your answers and if you're correct you'll be in the running to win one of these wonderful new autographed books! Just send us an e:mail here before April 15th with your answer and the subject title 'SIGNED JURY MASTER BOOKs' to:

Book Purchase Link
