Win 'British Sea Power's New CD ... TODAY!
In the past two years since the release of The Decline Of British Sea Power, the world has been a tumultuous place where not even a tree-bound bassist is safe. Amongst the menace and the madness, British Sea Power emerged capturing a sense of urgency, of the chaos building, and in turn held up triumphantly the spirit of man to survive and excel despite the odds. Those who took notice were swept up and their hearts swelled.
Now BSP return with Open Season, a view of the world from great heights, a record that expresses clarity brought forth by new adventures and experiences.
With a common love of the countryside, bird watching, oceanic explorers,
romantic art and literature, five scholars and musicians came together in England, as British Sea Power and took the world by storm with their 2003 debut The Decline of British Sea Power. The album was praised on both sides of the Atlantic for its bold strokes and grandiose expressions.
If you would like to win your own copy of this great new CD, just answer this easy question: In which British city/town did the band first come together?
Send me your answers and if you're correct you'll be in the running to win one of these wonderful new CDs. Just send us an e:mail here before March 27th with your answer and the subject title 'BSP CD' to:
'Windows Media':
"It Ended On An Oily Stage" Video